Once upon a time the myriad fairy tale lands were in their infancy. Grand rulers both benevolent and malicious sought to expand their holdings of magical realms, attracting the powerful and influentia...
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Once upon a time the myriad fairy tale lands were in their infancy. Grand rulers both benevolent and malicious sought to expand their holdings of magical realms, attracting the powerful and influential Fables— royal overseers, natural leaders, and enchanted creatures — to unite under their banners. As their domains expanded so too did the stories of the Fables’ amazing exploits and adventures, which blessed the realms with the bountiful Wonders of magic, love, honour, loyal followers, and majestic castles. All the rulers saw their fortunes and glory rise, but only the greatest of them all would be declared the High Emperor or Empress over all the fairy tale lands. Will it be YOU who wins the coveted title?